Bangkok Phosphors Photobook Bangkok Phosphors is the second photobook by Cody Ellingham and is a beautiful, full-page nocturnal photo exploration into the lights and shadows of the Thai capital as it has never been seen before. The first edition of the photobook was successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter and is strictly limited to 300 copies. This is a large 14" by 9.5" photobook that opens nice and wide. With a selection of full-page images exploring streets and architecture, printed on high-quality paper. Dimensions: 355mm x 241mm (14" x 9.5") Hardcover: 88 pages Language: English ISBN: 978-986-97823-7-1
Bangkok Phosphors Photobook Bangkok Phosphors is the second photobook by Cody Ellingham and is a beautiful, full-page nocturnal photo exploration into the lights and shadows of the Thai capital as it has never been seen before. The first edition of the photobook was successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter and is strictly limited to 300 copies. This is a large 14" by 9.5" photobook that opens nice and wide. With a selection of full-page images exploring streets and architecture, printed on high-quality paper. Dimensions: 355mm x 241mm (14" x 9.5") Hardcover: 88 pages Language: English ISBN: 978-986-97823-7-1
利休形 茶道具 デザイン 1991年発行
地球に生きる ナショナルジオグラフィック社
MOON BIN MAGAZINE 2022 写真集 未開封
都市のイメージ ケヴィン(ケビン)リンチ 丹下健三・富田玲子訳 初版1968年
ラス1!新品!直筆サイン入り!Estevan Oriol “LA Blocks”
BRUCE WEBER ブルース・ウェーバー 伝説の写真集 大判 初版
ルカ・マレンツィオ作曲 マドリガル集 13巻セット
安田早葉子 山上るい